Thursday, September 17, 2009

world history study guide

Sahara- worlds largest desert

Nile-worlds largest river.

Egypt-Home of the nile and sahara( seedbed of African culture)

Mizram-most ancient name of Egypt.

Land of Ham- bible calls Egypt the land of Ham.

Nomes-were states in early egypt.

Pharaohs-were strong rulers

Menes- first pharaoh of Egypt

The gift of the nile- Herodotus called it that

Hieroglyphics-Egyptian written language

Book of the dead-most important egyptian work. Contains prayers to help guide the dude to afterlife.

Memphis-12 miles south of Cairo

Thebes-450 miles south of Cairo.

Necropolis-city of the dead

Pyramid- best cymbolizes egyptain government

Monarchy, theocracy-egypts government (god king)

Humanism- worship of man

Naturalism- worship of nature

Polythism-worship of multiple gods

Egyptian tombs- Man spent much of his time preparing for his tomb. they were houses for the eternal afterlife

Great pyramid of Cheops- one of the 7 wonders of the world. took 100thousand workers almost 20 years to build.

King tut- Egyptian pharoah. died at 18. his tomb was full of treasures.

Mummyfication- preservation of the bodies of the dead.

30 dynasties-Egyptian history is divided into 30.

old kingdom-3-6 dynasties. 3 were important monarchs. (Cheops, Khafre, Menkaure)

Pyramid 0f Giza- was built by Cheops,Khafre,Mendaure

Great sphinx-head of a man,body of a lion and bears the likeness of Khafre

Middle Kingdom-11th dynasty, king mentuhotep, established capitol at thebes

Hyksos-Asiatic warriors that conqured the middle kingdom

Ahmose- drove them out of Egypt.

New Kingdom- 18th-20th dynasty king above

Hatepshut- only woman pharoah, may have been moseses mom

AmenhotepII- tuts son may have been in the exodus

Later new kingdom-RamesesII had the most outstanding monarch.

Alexander the Great- Conqured Egypt in 332 bc

Alexandria- became the most important city in his empire.

Light house of Alexandria- one of the wonders of the world