Monday, November 9, 2009

feudalism - a way of life based on the ownership and the use of land.
fief -lord
lord -owner of the land.
vassal-the one who uses the lord landbut has to serve in the army.
knight -heavily armed warriors
chivalry -the code of conduct for the nobility of the knights.
heraldry -a coat of arms. emblems and symbols.
castle -heavily fortified dwellings.
joust -a fight to try to knock the opponent off of his horse.
tournament- a mock fitght that lasted one day.
manor -estates that belonged to the nobles.
serf -farmers that worked on manors.
Truce of God -forbade fighting from friday through sunday of each week.
Peace of God- priests who denied sacraments to people who robbed churches, takes serfs propery, or killed a noncombatent.
burg -community of traveling merchants.
middle class - were burghers.
trade fair -merchants came from all over.
guild -consisted of merchants, artisians and craftsmen.
black death -a form of the bubonic plague.25000000people died from it.
Chaucer-wrote canteburry tales.
trivium -Grancer,Rhetoric and logic.
quadrivium -Arithmatic, music , geometry, Astronomy
scholasticism -theology and philosophy mixed.
Brethren of the Common Life -christian group by gerdard groute, founded shools for kids.
humanism -devotion to the study of humanity
patron -people who used their own money to support Art works
Sistine Chapel -A chapel that michelangelo painted the ceiling.
Medicis - A family that was in high power.
Thomas Aquinas -spoke slowly but had a brilliant mind
William of Ockham -Educated @ oxford said bible had all authority.
John Wycliffe- Morning star of reformation.
John Huss -a follower of Wycliffe.
Gerhard Groote -All about the bible.
Dante -wrote divine comedy.
Petrarch -father of humanism
Bocaccio- wrote the decameron.
Michelangelo -famous painter that painted a ceiling.considered greatest painter.
Flanders - a low lying region located in west belgium just across the english channel from the british isles.
Machiavelli -wrote the prince.
Giotto - An artist of the middle ages.
DaVinci -Famous Artist and inventor
Prague-Oldest German university in English speaking world.