Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ancient Grease

Family Life:The husband in Greek homes was the head of the household, but the wife ran the household and supervised the slaves. Most Greek parents arranged the weddings for their children. Girls got married in their mid-teens and men got married in their 30’s .Clothing: Men and women of Greece wore belted garments of wool or linen called a chiton. The men’s garments hung to the knees where as women’s went down to their ankles. Their main footwear was sandals.Food: Ancient Greeks mainly ate olives, cereal, grains, fruits, and vegetables. They also used goats for milk, and sheep for wool and meat. They ate fish which came from the surrounding oceans. The Greeks ate wheat, and barley.
Entertainment: Ancient Greeks played many sports and held fesutivals for their gods and goddesses.Military: Ancient Greeks invented the use of technology in warfare. It is the base of military superiority of the civilization of the West.Government: Greek governments were divided into monarchies, oligarchies, tyrannies and democracies.Social Life: They talked and walked around Greece.Education: Children started education at age seven. In Sparta, boys were given military training from ages seven to twenty to prepare them for service in the army. Girls also were required to train physically. They believed strong women produced strong babies.