Friday, October 30, 2009


1) Complete the following from the Chapter 9 Review, page 151.
a. People (#1-33 every other odd)
b. Terms (all)
c. Chapter Concepts (#4)
1.) Jesus of Nazereth
5.) Proclaimed hiself as Dominus et Deus
9.)An Ardent hater of Christians.
13.)Pupil of polycarp. wrote against Gnosticism.
17.) A theologian from Alexandria.
21.) proclamimed himself Dominus Noster. Demanded worship as Jupiter incarnate.
25.) He was an apologist of the early church period.
29.) Church father of Alexandria during the 4rth century.
33.) ruled 379-395AD. Made christianity the only legal faith, the state religion of the roman empire.

2) Complete the following from the Chapter 10 Review, page 159.
a. People (#1, 3, 5, 10)
1.) the first great leader of the Byzantine empire. became emperor in 527AD.
3.)Justinian's wife. inspirererererer of all people.
5.)Emperor from 717-741AD. Said all paintings and images should be destroyed.
10.) Took over constantinople. BEgan pouring into asia minor in 14th century.

b. Places (#1, 3)
1.) they contributed their culture. it included Greek, roman, and oriental features.their religion was cathlic.
3.)Is a very famous is the fourth largest church in the world today.

c. Terms (#1, 3, 4)
Christendom-the portion of the world in which christianity was the dominant religion.
Greek fire-A secret weapon for the greek warriors. ( like a flame thrower)
Iconclastic-Image destroyer.

d. Chapter Concepts (#1)
They combined biblical laws with state laws. (justinian code) They destroyed icons and images. They developed themes to provide better defense and more effeciant rule.

Adding the bible is adding God. And when you add God you get christianity. And more great leaders for Christ. Destroying icons isn't very good. So we wouldn't do that.
Themes would help too.