Monday, December 14, 2009

Chapter 1 & 2 Test
Multiple Choice - #'s
1, history
3,before christ
4, anno domini
5, 3 eras of history
7, tigris and Euphrates
Matching - #'s
1, j
4, K
Essay - #2
Chapter 3 & 4 Test
Multiple Choice - #'s
1, Mt. Everest.
2,Dead sea
4, Caste
10, India
14, Decalogue
15, Mt. Horeb,(Mt. Sinai)
Matching - #'s
7, H
9, F
Short Answer - #'s
2,38th paralell.
3, South korea
4, North
12, Marco Polo
13, The chin dynasty
14, Great wall of china
28,Pyong yang
Chapter 5 Test
Multiple Choice - #'s
2, Sahara
3, Northeast corner of Africa
8, Nile
Matching - #'s
1, H
5, C
6, E
Chapter 6 Test
Multiple Choice - #'s
1, It was unexplored
2, Polar ice caps
3, 2/5
5, Sahara
6, Kalahari
7, Atlas
9Lake Victoria
Matching - #'s
1, J
4, G
Short Answer - #9
Chapter 7 Test
Multiple Choice - #'s
1, Black/Aegean
2, Corinth
4, Homer
5,the iliad
6, the odyssey
7, Zeus
8, Apollo
11, ares
13, Polis
Chapter 8 Test
Multiple Choice - #'s
2, Warm, Mediterranean
3, Alps
5, 753BC
6, Forum
7, Patricians
8, Plebians
9, Paterfamilia
12, Pantheon
14, Pedagogue
15, Roman Senate
19, conquest
Matching - #'s
1, F
2, D
3, E
Short Answer - #'s
1,roman peace
4,Crazy Caligula
7, Mt. Vesuvius
Chp 12.
7.Geoffrey chaucer
Section III matching
1 C
3. J
15. E

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Answers to study guide

1Germany, a church revival
2.translated the bible into hebrew
3. Key translator from the bible into german
4.Utopia, A perfect political world
5.He translated the bible into french.
7.he struggled internally with god. (never thought he was good enouph.
8. Germany
9. He promised St anne he would become a monk.
10.he went to Augustinian friars and put his body under physical punishment.
12.major corruption.
13.Romans 1:13
14.a piece of paper that signifies somebody being "freed" from pugatory or their sins.
15.He sold lots of indulgences
16.Every time a coin in the coffer rings, a soul from purgatory springs.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Complete the following from Chapter 13 Review on page 238 in your book. Post answers to your blog.
a) PEOPLE - do #'s
1,Celts-one of the early inhabitants of the british isles
2, Jutes, Angles, Saxons,-conqured celts around 5th century
5, Alfred the great- first great king of England.( Saved his country from the Vikings)
8, Harold Godwin-king, who vs william. Harold died.
9, William- Made Europe strongest nation states. He also took a census of his people.
19, Joan of Arc- united France against England. Took England out but she was burned for heresy.
25, Hugh Capet- crowned king of france. he only controled a tiny piece of land.
26, Louis VI- crowned king of france. Capetian king.
28, Louis IX-Crowned king of france.(phillips grandson). Improved french laws. By the end of his reign France was the most powerfull country in Europe.
33, Ferdinand and Isabella-King and queen, sent Columbus out to find a quicker route to asia.
39, Marko Polo- Famous explorer from china. Brought many riches from overseas.
42, Christopher Columbus- 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Sailed west in search for the Indies.

2) Answer the following questions and post to your blog:

Who were the earliest known inhabitants of the British Isles? The Celts
What were the dates of the Hundred Years’ War? 1337-1453
Which Germanic tribe conquered Spain in the 5th century? The visigoths
Which name did the Romans give to Spain? Hispana ( with an accent mark on the "n")
These were Muslims from North Africa who invaded Spain:The Moores
What does “reconquista” mean? A re- conquest to take spain back from the moores.
Name 4 nations that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages. England,France, Spain and Portugal
What is the name of the monument in Southern England that may have been an ancient Celtic worship site? Stonehenge
Which Germanic tribe named England?The Anglo Saxons.
Which Anglo-Saxon poet lived in the 7th century? (Hint: There’s a Christian band named after him) Caedmon
Who was crowned king of France in 987 AD? Hugh Capet
Which French king was St. Louis, MO named after? Louis IX
What was the French Estates-General composed of? (List them out)The Clergy,Nobles and commonors.
Which peninsula is Spain located on? The Iberian
Name 3 Germanic tribes. Angles, Jutes and Saxons
Which countries fought during the Hundred Years’ War? Who won?England vs France. France won.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Complete Ch. 13 Section Review 1 plus Identify page 215

1.) England, France , Spain , Portugal
2.) Celts, Roman Empire
3.) Angles, Saxons and Jutes.
4.) St. Augustine.664
5.) Early English people had parts of the bible in their own language.
6.) Alfred the Great.

Monday, November 9, 2009

feudalism - a way of life based on the ownership and the use of land.
fief -lord
lord -owner of the land.
vassal-the one who uses the lord landbut has to serve in the army.
knight -heavily armed warriors
chivalry -the code of conduct for the nobility of the knights.
heraldry -a coat of arms. emblems and symbols.
castle -heavily fortified dwellings.
joust -a fight to try to knock the opponent off of his horse.
tournament- a mock fitght that lasted one day.
manor -estates that belonged to the nobles.
serf -farmers that worked on manors.
Truce of God -forbade fighting from friday through sunday of each week.
Peace of God- priests who denied sacraments to people who robbed churches, takes serfs propery, or killed a noncombatent.
burg -community of traveling merchants.
middle class - were burghers.
trade fair -merchants came from all over.
guild -consisted of merchants, artisians and craftsmen.
black death -a form of the bubonic plague.25000000people died from it.
Chaucer-wrote canteburry tales.
trivium -Grancer,Rhetoric and logic.
quadrivium -Arithmatic, music , geometry, Astronomy
scholasticism -theology and philosophy mixed.
Brethren of the Common Life -christian group by gerdard groute, founded shools for kids.
humanism -devotion to the study of humanity
patron -people who used their own money to support Art works
Sistine Chapel -A chapel that michelangelo painted the ceiling.
Medicis - A family that was in high power.
Thomas Aquinas -spoke slowly but had a brilliant mind
William of Ockham -Educated @ oxford said bible had all authority.
John Wycliffe- Morning star of reformation.
John Huss -a follower of Wycliffe.
Gerhard Groote -All about the bible.
Dante -wrote divine comedy.
Petrarch -father of humanism
Bocaccio- wrote the decameron.
Michelangelo -famous painter that painted a ceiling.considered greatest painter.
Flanders - a low lying region located in west belgium just across the english channel from the british isles.
Machiavelli -wrote the prince.
Giotto - An artist of the middle ages.
DaVinci -Famous Artist and inventor
Prague-Oldest German university in English speaking world.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Complete Chapter 12 Section Review 1 plus Identify
1.)It centered on a fief.
2.)The lord was the owner of the field and the vassel was the worker of the field.
3.)It was a large stone building. surrounded by a moat. the only way to get inside of it was through the drawbridge.
4.)Nobles watched many tournments and jousts.
5.)The serfs were basically peasants. they worked the fields.
6.)They denied sacrements. And they didn't allow fighting on friday through sunday.(the truce of God)

Post to your blog

Find 10 pictures relating to the Middle Ages
4) Post to your blog

Friday, October 30, 2009


1) Complete the following from the Chapter 9 Review, page 151.
a. People (#1-33 every other odd)
b. Terms (all)
c. Chapter Concepts (#4)
1.) Jesus of Nazereth
5.) Proclaimed hiself as Dominus et Deus
9.)An Ardent hater of Christians.
13.)Pupil of polycarp. wrote against Gnosticism.
17.) A theologian from Alexandria.
21.) proclamimed himself Dominus Noster. Demanded worship as Jupiter incarnate.
25.) He was an apologist of the early church period.
29.) Church father of Alexandria during the 4rth century.
33.) ruled 379-395AD. Made christianity the only legal faith, the state religion of the roman empire.

2) Complete the following from the Chapter 10 Review, page 159.
a. People (#1, 3, 5, 10)
1.) the first great leader of the Byzantine empire. became emperor in 527AD.
3.)Justinian's wife. inspirererererer of all people.
5.)Emperor from 717-741AD. Said all paintings and images should be destroyed.
10.) Took over constantinople. BEgan pouring into asia minor in 14th century.

b. Places (#1, 3)
1.) they contributed their culture. it included Greek, roman, and oriental features.their religion was cathlic.
3.)Is a very famous is the fourth largest church in the world today.

c. Terms (#1, 3, 4)
Christendom-the portion of the world in which christianity was the dominant religion.
Greek fire-A secret weapon for the greek warriors. ( like a flame thrower)
Iconclastic-Image destroyer.

d. Chapter Concepts (#1)
They combined biblical laws with state laws. (justinian code) They destroyed icons and images. They developed themes to provide better defense and more effeciant rule.

Adding the bible is adding God. And when you add God you get christianity. And more great leaders for Christ. Destroying icons isn't very good. So we wouldn't do that.
Themes would help too.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Section 2 and 3 review Chapter 9

Complete Chapter 9 Section Review 2 plus Identify on page 147
2.)John and peter. John was exiled to the island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea/ Peter was crucified upside down.
3.)Domitian/ The christians refused to pray to the emperor.
4.)vast sub=terranean galleries beneath the city of Rome where early Christians met
5.)Trajan/ Ignatius.
6.)Justin Martyr and Blandia.
7.)Septimus Severus
8.)Valerian and Aurelian. Cyprian
9.)They claimed themeselves dominus noster(Our lawd)/ Outlawed christianity and swept the nation for christians.
10.) Edict of milan in 313

Post this to your blog
Complete Chapter 9 Section Review 3 plus Identify on page 150
1.) The clement of Rome/ Ignatius, Polycarp and Papis
2.) Justin Martyr,Socrates,Aristotle
3.)Iraneaus, against all heroes.

Post this to your blog

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

1.) Complete SR 1 page 143 plus identify

2.) post answers to blog.

3.) find 5 pictures online of papyrus fragments of the new testament

(see page 142)

4.) Post each to the blog. be sure to label.

Section review 1 pg 143.

1.)rome was at peace and the good news could travel quickly men could travel without fear of running into enemy territory.
2.)Herod the great.
3.) Apostles.
5.) Many people came to Christ. Many were convicted because of the pristine attitude of the early disciples.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ancient Grease

Family Life:The husband in Greek homes was the head of the household, but the wife ran the household and supervised the slaves. Most Greek parents arranged the weddings for their children. Girls got married in their mid-teens and men got married in their 30’s .Clothing: Men and women of Greece wore belted garments of wool or linen called a chiton. The men’s garments hung to the knees where as women’s went down to their ankles. Their main footwear was sandals.Food: Ancient Greeks mainly ate olives, cereal, grains, fruits, and vegetables. They also used goats for milk, and sheep for wool and meat. They ate fish which came from the surrounding oceans. The Greeks ate wheat, and barley.
Entertainment: Ancient Greeks played many sports and held fesutivals for their gods and goddesses.Military: Ancient Greeks invented the use of technology in warfare. It is the base of military superiority of the civilization of the West.Government: Greek governments were divided into monarchies, oligarchies, tyrannies and democracies.Social Life: They talked and walked around Greece.Education: Children started education at age seven. In Sparta, boys were given military training from ages seven to twenty to prepare them for service in the army. Girls also were required to train physically. They believed strong women produced strong babies.

Monday, September 28, 2009

chapter 6 study guide

What kind of progress was made while Africa was ruled by Europeans?- government, established schools , and built roads/railroads , new cities and hospitals.What are Africians most pressing needs today?-the gospel, foods and shelter, and education.African Landscapedeserts-2/5 of AfricaSahara-north Africakalahari-south AfricaSavanna-vast tracks of and characterized by wet&dry seasons.covered by grass and shrubs.Mountains-atlas mt. range & Mt.KilimanjaroAtlas Mountain Range-Africas longest mountain rangeMt.Kilimanjaro-tallest mountain in AfricaNile River-longest river in africaLake Victoria-Africas largest lakeGreat rift valley-largest rift in earths surfaceAfrican HistoryBegan shortly after the...FloodEbed Melech-helped prophet Jeremiah when he was cast into prison by King Zedekiah.Unnamed Ethiopian-most famous Cushite in world history,treasurer for Queen Candace of Cush,Philip lead this treasurer to ChristEunuch-casturated man who protected the queen.Edesius and Frumentius-around 300 a.d. these 2 were ship wrecked and taken to Ethiopia as slaves. Preached the gospel there. credited with bringing Christianity to Africa.Early Christianity in AfricaAlexandria,EGYPT-home to clement of alexandria.(150-215)Cyrene,LIBYA-simmon was from here and he carried the cross for jesusCarthage,TUNISIA-city of early church fathers tertullin(160-230) and cyprain(200-248)Simon of Cyrene-caried the cross for JesusClement of Alexandria-was from alexandria,egypt is the oldest surviving christian hymn.African TradeSea trade-early as 1500 b.c.,africans were trading w/ asians . Africa gave iron,ivory,gold.Asia gave porcelain,precious stones,silk.Inland trade-b/t 300 and 1200 a.d.,ghana was trading w/ middle east arabs. Ghana gave gold,ivory and slaves. Middle east gave salt, copper, dried fruits.Mali Empire-lasted from 1200-1500 a.d.,modern day gambia,guinea,mali and seegal.Timbuktu-important trading center for mahli empire,famous center for learning and culture.Songhai Empire-dominated west asia in 1500s/monopolized trade across the sahara.Exploration and Missions"The White Mans Grave"-name for africa in the 19th centruy(1800s)/explorers in africa faced many obsticales:intense heat,malaria,sleeping sickness,&yellow fever.Mungo Park-Explored africa from 1768-1773/explored the nile river.Hugh Clapperton-explored africa from 1822-1824/1st european to to cross the sahara.Alexander Laing-explored africa from 1825-1826/first european to reach timbuktu.Robert Moffatt-explored africa from 1795-1883/one of the 1st missionaries to africa/he said,"I can see the smoke of a thousand villages where the name of Chirst has never been heard."David Livingstone-went to africa in response to moffatts call for more missionaries'1st european to see Victoria falls(largest waterfall)/worked in africa many years, then went missing/american newspaper sent a reporter,Henry Stanley, to find him.Africa in Modern TimesEuropean Rule-by WWI, only 2 african staes were independent....Ethiopia & LiberiaProgress-what kind?-government, established schools , and built roads/railroads , new cities and hospitals.1950s and 1960s-a move toward independence from European rule. began with Ghana in 1957.General Idi Amin-seized power in Uganda/ruled until 1979/devout muslim...killed and tortured as many as 300,000 people)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

a. Tell me about Kenya's geography/landscape. It is a large savanna.
b. Where is Kenya? What's the capital?East africa, Nairobi
c. What lies WEST of Nairobi?the great rift valley.
d. Tell me about the animals in Kenya. What's set up to protect them?50 reserves and parks.
e. What 2 bodies of water is Kenya located between? How does this affect the culture there?Indian ocean and lake victoria. A diverse culture
f. Significance of N. Kenya & Tanzania?May have been the original birthplace of humans.
g. Tell me about slavery there in 1600s, 1700s, and 1800s.1600-1700 they were taken as slaves. 1900 slavery was outlawed.
h. How many languages/ethnic groups are there?60 languages and 40 ethnic groups
i. Tell me about the kids & is free but many of the kids are too busy to go to school.
j. What are some important parts of Kenyan culture?Music and storytelling
k. What's the current government of Kenya like?It is a republic country.
l. Official name? Form of Gov't? Population? Official Languages?republic of Kenya,republic, Nairobi,33,830,000, Swahili and English.
m. Money? Mountain Ranges? Major rivers?Kenyan Shiling, Aberdaure.mau Escarpament.Athi,tana.
4) Scroll through photos 1-6 and answer the following questions. Post your answers to your blog.
a. Tell me what YOU think is going on in each photo (don't look at the caption!):
Photo 1-woman examines smelly fossils while a guy covers his nose.
Photo 2-cannibal indians wearing dental headgear.
Photo 3 -people on a safari crouse never make it to the end.
Photo 4 -the beautifull city before it gets bombed.
Photo 5 -the water that contains all the victims of the mafia.
Photo 6 -what they wrap your dead body in before the mafia throws you in the lake.
5. Now, go back and post the captions for each photo to your blog. Were you close?
Photo 1- Archeologists examine fossils
Photo 2- indian women revealing personal history by their jewelry
Photo 3 - tourists watching 2 lions in a reserve
Photo 4 -the capital (Nairobi)
Photo 5 - Lake Victoria
Photo 6 -Kenyas flag

Thursday, September 17, 2009

world history study guide

Sahara- worlds largest desert

Nile-worlds largest river.

Egypt-Home of the nile and sahara( seedbed of African culture)

Mizram-most ancient name of Egypt.

Land of Ham- bible calls Egypt the land of Ham.

Nomes-were states in early egypt.

Pharaohs-were strong rulers

Menes- first pharaoh of Egypt

The gift of the nile- Herodotus called it that

Hieroglyphics-Egyptian written language

Book of the dead-most important egyptian work. Contains prayers to help guide the dude to afterlife.

Memphis-12 miles south of Cairo

Thebes-450 miles south of Cairo.

Necropolis-city of the dead

Pyramid- best cymbolizes egyptain government

Monarchy, theocracy-egypts government (god king)

Humanism- worship of man

Naturalism- worship of nature

Polythism-worship of multiple gods

Egyptian tombs- Man spent much of his time preparing for his tomb. they were houses for the eternal afterlife

Great pyramid of Cheops- one of the 7 wonders of the world. took 100thousand workers almost 20 years to build.

King tut- Egyptian pharoah. died at 18. his tomb was full of treasures.

Mummyfication- preservation of the bodies of the dead.

30 dynasties-Egyptian history is divided into 30.

old kingdom-3-6 dynasties. 3 were important monarchs. (Cheops, Khafre, Menkaure)

Pyramid 0f Giza- was built by Cheops,Khafre,Mendaure

Great sphinx-head of a man,body of a lion and bears the likeness of Khafre

Middle Kingdom-11th dynasty, king mentuhotep, established capitol at thebes

Hyksos-Asiatic warriors that conqured the middle kingdom

Ahmose- drove them out of Egypt.

New Kingdom- 18th-20th dynasty king above

Hatepshut- only woman pharoah, may have been moseses mom

AmenhotepII- tuts son may have been in the exodus

Later new kingdom-RamesesII had the most outstanding monarch.

Alexander the Great- Conqured Egypt in 332 bc

Alexandria- became the most important city in his empire.

Light house of Alexandria- one of the wonders of the world

Nile Crocodiles

a.armored tanks and insects and small fish,b.bellowos and splashs,like guys today,c.hole in a river bank,d.25-80 eggs and yes she watches them,e.high pitch sound, her mouth and carries them to the water,g.basking in the sun,h.crocidylusnilotcus,20ft,i.80yrs nad webbed feet, rivers, is narrow nad one is rounded,l.propel themselves through the water,m.seafood and all sorts of mammals,n.hippos,lions,giraffas,and humans,o.highly developed brain,p.hepls digest

national geographic pictures
a.-ships goin down the nile-soome old woman stealing some green thing and kids watching her do it,-camel with a weird hat,poor lil buddy,a city,-some chicks gettin some water-a flag.,b. -large ships down suex canal,-shoopers walk through open air market,-camel stands near pyramids,-crowded cairo,-2 women fiflln their juggs,-egyptian flag.

national geographic inch of rain falls in egypt a year,without the nile it would be a desert,b.upper and lower,c.southern-low mountains and deserts,northern-valleys and deserts,d.cheetas, hyenas, cobras, and crocs,wetland ,coastal areas, deserts,e.animals,f.8000 years ago,and 3000bc,g.3100bch.31bc and 640bc,i.british,suez canal,and 1952,j.muslim,k.beacause most people live in narrow strips along the nile, not enough room,l.they help look after the farm and their parents,m.democratic,kn.tourism cause of the pyramids.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

chp 5 review 3

1.the oldkingdom, the middle Kingdom, and the new kingdom
Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure the builders of the pyramids at Giza andGreat shpinx

2. Answer the following questions from each Section:
a. "Introduction" - Ancient Egyptian history spans how many centuries? What did the people believe Pharaoh was? How did they "achieve immortality"? they believed that pharoh was a god
b. "Dead" - What was embalming? Who did the embalming? What role did linen, your body, the priest, natron salt, canopic jars, tools, and oils play in the embalming process? itmeans preserving the body. the slaves did it. all preserving the body.
c. "Organs Removed" - Which organs were removed? What did they do with them?all of your organs except your heart. they put them in canopic jars.
d. "Get Stuffed" - What does "Get Stuffed" refer to? What did they stuff you with?they stuffed your body with sawdust, rags and chaff.
e. "Tomb Bound" - What did they do to get your body ready for the tomb? What was involved in bandaging the body? What might be placed in your tomb if you were rich?they would put it in natron.
f. "Coffins Etc" - Tell me about Ancient Egyptian coffins. What went in the coffins with the body? What went in the tomb with the coffin? different charms and spices.
g. "Your Funeral" - What did an Ancient Egyptian funeral look like? Tell me about the procession. they hired mournors and all of egypt followed the pharoh.
h. "Eternal Rest" - Tell me about tomb raiders. What do they do and what do they. tomb raiders stole things out of the tomb like gold and linen.

Monday, September 14, 2009

China plank game

threw the dude in the water.

Section review 5

1)Africa,Sahara,Nile2)Medeteranian Sea, Sahara, Red Sea3)Kemet the sea bed of African cultures,land of HamAigyptos4)because African culture strated there5)lower Egypyt and upper Egypt,lower is in north egypt and upper is in south egypt, mennes6)Near the Nile river7)Egypt was the greatest and most magnificentpower of the ancient world.8)It flooded and made the soil fertile and it sustained life9)Napoleon invaded egypt and his men discovered a broken slab of black basalt near the town of rosetta. Champollion and other scholars deciphered it10)Memphis and Thebes.11)teh pyramid because it resembled the Social Arragement. Pharoah on top.Nobles in the middle and everyone else on bottom12)They were humanistic, naturalistic and polytheistic in their religious faith. The egyptians treasured life in this world and did all in their power to ensure immorality in the next world.IDENTIFY:1)Isthmus of Suez- connected Asia to Africa2)Copts- ancient Egyptians3)nomes- 4)Herodotus-5)Nile Delta-6)hieroglyphics-7)Book of the Dead-8)necropolis-9)Great Pyramid of Cheops-10)Tutankhamen-11)mummification-

Walk the plank game.

we made the dude walk the plank. he fell in and the shark ate him.

Friday, September 11, 2009


We succeded in finding out who was in the coffin.
we also got the fabulous pharoh status in the other game.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

egyptian market game.

we played this game 3 times and served our customers faithfully 5/5 every time. having a grand score total of 114 points.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

1.) A tablet telling who is in the tomb.
2.) Heirogliphs
3.) Priest
4.) Statues and a mummy.
5.) Guard dogs.
6.) they resembled animals.
7.) Jars that contain the organs of the person in the mummy.
8.) wood

Friday, August 28, 2009

This game was a little different than what I usually do. However it was better than taking notes in a classroom.
It was kind of weird having a dude with a serious muffin top lead me around but I got used to it.
I learned alot about this civilazation. And it was very interesting.

Tanner Morgan.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

1. When did the Indus Valley civilization exist? 4000years ago
2. What countries did this civilization spread across? pakistan,India and parts of Aghanistan.
3. How many settlements have archaeologists discovered? 3 settlements.
4. Which city may have been an important port city? Lothal
5. Which city was excavated by archaeologists in 1920?Harappa.
6. What does “Mohenjo-Daro” mean?'Mound of the Dead'
7. Which is the biggest settlement archaeologists have found in the Indus Valley?Mahenjo-Daro
8. What type of photographs do archaeologists usually take? aerial photographs
9. What’s significant about “First Street”? After 4000 years some house walls are still standing.
10. What were bricks used for there? for building house walls and other buildings.
11. Did their houses have drains? yes.
12. What were the wells used for? for fresh drinking water.
13. What were the narrow drains used for? allowed water to drain away from the city.
14. What artifacts did you find using the “Excavation Map”? a camera and a brush.
15. Finish playing the game. Each person in your group should write a TWO paragraph summary about this game and post it to your blog.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

1.) Jews, Muslims, and Christians......
2.) Israel and Judah......
3.) The garden of Eden originated there........
4.) Ten commandments......
5.) People will follow the commandments forever.......
6.) Messopatamians........
7.) Salomon and David.......
8.) It split in 2.....
9.) 721 B.C. .......

Monday, August 24, 2009

170 Points is matthew and tanner's score

chapter 3 section 1

1.) place value notation,
2.) A code of laws,
3.) The hittites,
4.) The hittites,
5.) Ashurbarpad built the first Library,
6.) Hammurabi,
7.) Ashurbarpad,
8.) Asherbarpad,
9.) Xerxes,
10.) They were ruthless.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

1)Guys are swimming in a river
2)A lady and guy who are beekeepers
3)A dude is walking down a ziggurat
4)A woman dipped her finger in paint
5) Busy street with people shopping for bodies of water that surround the middle east:1) black sea2) red sea3) caspian sea4) persian gulf

Monday, August 17, 2009

a. Fact 1 - Iraq is dominated by which 2 rivers?The Tigris and Euphrates
b. Fact 2 - Rocky deserts cover about what percent of the land?40% of land
c. Fact 3 - Are their protected natural areas in Iraq?there are no protected areas.
d. Fact 4 - What species are at risk in Iraq?cheetahs,dewgongs and wild goats.
e. Fact 5 - Describe "carp" that grow up to 300 pounds
f. Fact 6 - What's gone on in Iraq during the past 15 years?two major wars
g. Fact 7 - What is Iraq's nickname? the cradle of civilazaion.
h. Fact 8 - Who established the first known system of laws?Hammurabi.
i. Fact 9 - When did Babylonian rule end?539bc
j. Fact 10 - When did Iraq become an independent country?1932.
k. Fact 11 - What happened to Saddam Hussein?he was executed.
l. Fact 12 - True or False: Iraq is one of the most culturally diverse nations. True
m. Fact 13 - Today, how many Iraqis can read/write? 40%
n. Fact 14 - When were Iraq's first democratic elections held? January 2005
o. Fact 15 - What does Iraq have the "world's second largest supply of"? Oil
p. Fact 16 - What's the official name of Iraq? What is the capital city? How many people live there? Bagdad, Republic of Iraq, and 26783383
q. Fact 17 - What is Iraq's money called?New Iraq Dinar.

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